2012年9月6日 星期四
大專院校新聞與傳播院系聯合聲明 (06/09/2012)
我們認為《 ATV 焦點》在九月三日及四日播放的節目內容偏頗。九月三日播放的內容,更在缺乏充分事實根據下,使用人身攻擊的字眼。此舉違反傳媒機構應有的專業態度。我們要求亞洲電視進一步澄清公眾關注的問題,及在往後同類型的意見節目中包容不同的觀點。
傳媒查詢:梁麗霞小姐(電話:3943 7681)
Joint Statement Issued by Tertiary Education Institutions of Journalism and Communication
We are deeply concerned about the content of two ATV Focus episodes broadcast by Asia Television Ltd. on September 3 and 4, which has created a big public outcry.
The airwaves are public property. This is why, unlike newspapers, broadcasters are subject to a system of licensing and regulation. Media organizations that acquire the right to utilize part of the airwaves to broadcast should not abuse the public property for private purposes. Broadcasting organizations should adhere to the programming standards. News reporting should be accurate and fair. When broadcasting organizations produce commentaries on public affairs through personal view programs, they should also attempt to include various viewpoints. The opinions expressed should be based on a comprehensive grasp of the facts involved. Media organizations should not smear any social groups or individuals.
We think the episodes of ATV Focus aired on September 3 and 4 are biased. The episode on September 3, in particular, used terms that constituted unsubstantiated personal attacks. These acts contravene the professional attitude that media organizations should have. We request that Asia Television Ltd. publicly answer the questions raised by the public, and ensure that a diverse range of viewpoints will be included in their public affairs programs in the future.
We are worried about the current status of press freedom and the media landscape in Hong Kong. We urge news organizations to uphold their social responsibility, defend freedom of speech and of the press, report on important social and political issues objectively and truthfully, and monitor the government’s actions and policies.
Lastly, we salute the journalists who adhere to their professionalism in difficult times. We hope they will continue to abide by their principles and fulfill the important social roles of journalism.
Jointly issued by (by alphabetical order):
Department of Journalism and Communication, Chu Hai College of Higher Education
Department of Journalism and Communication, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong
School of Communication, Hang Seng Management College
School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University
School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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